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This looks great, but why wouldn't I just arrange my own trip?


Open World Racing uses the combined experience and reach of its global contacts, staff, and partners to arrange unique and immersive travel experiences that would be difficult to replicate at a comparable price on your own.  But if you're the type to put together an immersive trip on your own, you probably don't need us! 

How can a trip be immersive if it is only 4 or 5 days?


Immersion mean engaging with a culture versus observing. OWR trips will help you learn and explore the cultures of our host communities.  Our trips will combine adventure, learning, and service to allow you to interact with the local culture and leave a positive mark.

What do you mean by "service project?" 


We consider ourselves ambassadors for the adventure travel community and fortunate to have the health and the means to travel.  We give back to our host communities by leaving a positive mark on the environment and people: we have assisted with ocean cleanups in Croatia and helped keep a Polish national park clean. We like to tailor our service projects to the needs of the local community. 

How athletic do I need to be for an Open World Racing trip?


We welcome athletes and adventurers of all types and abilities - we organize trips around races of varying difficulty.  And remember, it might be difficult to win a race, but it’s really not too hard to finish one. Our trips are designed to accommodate a wide range of abilities and everyone is part of the team.  Whether you are a professional or amateur athlete, adventure racer, charity challenger or physically fit weekend warrior, you are welcome.

What is a carbon offset and why is it necessary? 


We are committed to leaving a positive impact on the communities and environments in which we race, and that includes the larger global environment.  We contribute through service projects to help the local communities we race in, but the carbon emissions resulting from our trip also have a negative impact on the global environment.  There is no perfect solution, but we have partnered with Native Energy to help lessen our impact.  Native Energy is recognized by the Sierra Club as "delivering on its carb reduction promises and while also helping the communities where they are located."  A little more reading on this issue.

What happens if I get hurt on this trip?


We will not subject you to excessive risk, but many of the activities we undertake have a certain amount of inherent risk:  kayaking, SCUBA diving, cycling, and hiking, to name a few.  Because the unforeseen can happen, we will have medical and emergency plans in place before each trip – they will be available to view at your request.  In addition, each traveler will be required to purchase a minimum amount of travel and medical evacuation insurance.  It is worth noting that travel insurance also covers unexpected delays and cancellations, but please check the below providers or consult your provider for more details. 

Optional Travel Insurance Providers:

·       World Nomads -

·       Allianz -

·       Travel -


If you're interested in coming on a trip, but aren't quite sure and you'd like to speak to someone, we'll give you a call at your convenience. 

Thanks for submitting!

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